Vaso Maraka


Name Surname: Vaso Maraka

Country: Greece

City: Athens

Nationality: Greek

Background: University Degree

Sector: Third Sector

Position: President of Pan-Hellenic Federation of Multiple Sclerosis

Pan-Hellenic Federation of Multiple Sclerosis

My purpose has always been the best for my fellow man, so I started by my service with the best of intention for the whole world. So when I realized the illness, I overcame it and I am honest to you I felt like illness could not touch me, I overcame it, and for so many years now I am taking care for the people who are suffering from multiple sclerosis. Multiple sclerosis can slow us down, but it cannot stop us. I have been involved in volunteering, which is a the philosophy of my life, you see I am an idealist. It is not easy, I am not paid, I am not a politician, all day I deal with what God has sent me to do and do it as well as I can.

At certain time, when my husband passed away, I lost my strength. I gave up and us a result I sat in a wheel chair. But the love I received from the members of my family, my friends and the members of the organisation, along with the help of an exceptional physiotherapist, helped me to stand in my feet again, ofcourse always with a walking stick and assisted by another person. I managed to put things in order, understand that everything has a beginning and an end and always in every couple someone leaves first! I had a purpose to serve and I as a president, as an example couldn’t move in a wheelchair. It was unthinkable! This is the exact point that my physiotherapist helped me and as I told you I am able to move assisted by another person. The next step, the next bet for me is to walk with my walking stick only!

I feel extremely lucky to have these two roles: President of the organisation for people who suffer from Multiple Sclerosis and chairman of the Pan-Hellenic Federation of Multiple Sclerosis but I do not stop there. I love another role which I serve, I belong to a group of people who offer dinners to homeless people. So, what I would like to point is that anything is impossible as long as we believe to the strength of our minds and our souls. Multiple Sclerosis does not prevent me from living the kind of life I choose to live and if you want to help me start by understanding me!

Multiple Sclerosis does not prevent me from living the kind of life I choose to live and if you want to help me start by understanding me!