- Janina Rębisz
Name Surname : Janina Rębisz
Country : Poland
City : Lutoryż
Nationally : Polish
Background : Secondary
Sector : Services and Education
Position : Training coordinator in Polish Organization of Employers of Disabled People
Company name + url :
I graduated from elementary school in Lutoryż in 1968. After graduating from elementary school, I attended the High School, which I graduated in 1972 with a positive result. After passing my final exams, I attended the Medical College - nursing department. After graduating from the College, I started working abroad in England at the hospital. I worked there for 3 years. After returning to Poland in 1977, I worked in the Rzeszow Construction company in the accounting department. Since 1998, as a disabled person, I work in the Polish Organization of Employers of Disabled People as a specialist in the organization of training and job placement. I provide training for employers on topics related to labor law, co-financing, control, and proper filling out of grant applications. I also provide job placement and supported employment. I participate in EU projects concerning the problems of disabled people, training seminars and national and international conferences. The Polish Organization of Employers of Disabled People has extensive experience in working for employers employing people with disabilities. POPON is a real organization of employers - it was created by employers and for employers of disabled people. We do not work for profit - representing the interests of employers is the most important thing for us, it is not only an addition to our earning activity, but the most important goal, the sense of our existence. POPON is the voice of employers - we are the largest association of employers of disabled people. Our positions, opinions and comments are the most respected among the media as well as legislators and institutions. Our experience and well-established position in the environment of government and local government institutions make them take their decisions in the area of employment issues for disabled people, always consulting them with POPON! The persistence and consistency of POPON in the legislative process has repeatedly protected employers from improper legal solutions.
As a disabled person I like to help other people with disabilities and that is why since 1998 I have been working at POPON, an organization of employers of disabled people. I organize training for employers and sheltered workshops on the employment of disabled people, subsidies for employers, labor law, etc. At the same time, people with disabilities can come to us for all kinds of information and advice on hiring and setting up their own business. However, my biggest motivation in my work is contact with people, to help people with disabilities and to help entrepreneurs who employ people with disabilities. Opportunities and threats which had a strong influence on your career Opportunities: to help people with disabilities to find a job, to orientate on the labour market, advice on how to start a business. Threats: continuous training in connection with changing regulations
As a disabled person, I feel best when I work for other people with disabilities. Although I am already retired, I am still professionally active and I am constantly learning.
I have extensive experience in the field of employment of disabled people. As a disabled person, I understand their problems and challenges perfectly. I am trying to prepare employers of disabled people to employ disabled people, to ensure that they have appropriate knowledge through trainings and realize the benefits of employing disabled workers.What helped you the best in your path to where you are? Deciding factors of success? Consistency in action. Willingness to work for disabled people and for employers who employ them. I am satisfied with my work every time a disabled person applying for a job finds employment or sets up his/her own business. Did something give you inspiration for your enterprise? Disability does not interfere with achieving successes in social and professional life. POPON organizes a competition for Employers Socially Sensitive “Icebreakers”. Many people have been involved in its development for many years, combining a common goal - overcoming stereotypes and prejudices related to the employment of disabled people. The statuette is awarded every year to employers, institutions and organizations creating appropriate working conditions for people with disabilities. The Competition Jury awarded companies open to employing disabled people, exceptional employers, people involved and promoting disabled employees.
My skills are the ability to learn and implement new information at work, the ease of adapting to change, the ease of dissemination of information, the ability to listen and solve problems of other people, I like building partnerships, important for me is the personal development of people who work with me, negotiating skills , coordinating and motivating employees, making decisions quickly, I know how to manage my all activities.
Entrepreneurship is for everyone and is especially important for people with disabilities. It is an alternative to employment and personal development. Assets to be developed: Convincing the largest possible number of employers that employing people with disabilities is a benefit to them, not a loss and a problem. Weaknesses to overcome: Do not be discouraged if you are not able to help every disabled person. Do you have experiences in mentoring, coaching and/or job shadowing? If yes, please describe it. Yes, I have experience in coaching. I am a job coach for people with disabilities. I provide for them supported employment services.