Dorianne Callus

Name Surname: Dorianne Callus

Country: Malta

City: Birkirkara

Nationality: Maltese

Sector: Banking

Position: Bank Clerk/ Sign Language Tutor

I had all my education in mainstream schools. It was hard because when I was young there were no interpreters available. Despite my very profound deafness and with the support of my parents and teachers of the deaf I succeeded in my studies. I got all my O levels and now work as a clerk in a local bank. I teach Maltese sign language at the university and long life learning unit of the education department. I also am a newscaster in Maltese sign language for deaf people on the national TV station.

I intend to undergo professional training as a deaf tutor of Maltese sign language.

My mission is to teach Maltese sign language so that there is more awareness about the language and deaf people so that more people know how to communicate using this language. It is very important also that interpreters of Maltese sign language are professionally trained and hence, as tutor of Maltese sign language, I have an important input in this regard as well.

I feel satisfied when students learn sign language and are able to communicate with deaf people. I am also very happy that I helped in the training of the sign language interpreters, since this service was first introduced in 2000. They now can help me and other deaf people so that we are included in society. Without this important service we deaf people cannot participate fully in our community and hence are discriminated.

My mission is to teach Maltese sign language so that there is more awareness about the language and deaf people, so that more people know how to communicate using this language. It is very important also that interpreters of Maltese sign language are professionally trained and hence, as tutor of Maltese sign language, I have an important input in this regard as well. I had been involved in the Deaf Association (Malta) for various years. I also attended various courses and seminars, both locally and abroad related to the teaching of sign languages.

Since Maltese sign language is a very small language and the number of people involved are extremely low, it is very difficult to undergo the necessary training both for interpreters and tutors of Maltese sign language. I intend to undergo professional training as a deaf tutor of Maltese sign language.